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Thursday, 15 December 2016

1000 Lights For People On The Run

In 12 different cities in Norway People gathered to support refugees in Syria, and to protest against the strict Norwegian refugee policy. 

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Log-eared owls in my home city Kikinda

This beautiful creatures are staying over the winter in my home city Kikinda. Very special situation. Owls are usually shy animals so they come very often close to the people. But in Kikinda they are placed in the city center.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Fantastic lights over the Arctic sky

Sun is down but it still sends some incredible lights, which are mixing with Moon´s light.  

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

"Blodveien" - a movie that you need to see

Yugoslav Partizans, captured by Nazis, are sent to concentration camps in distant Norway. The local population help some Partizans survive or flee to neutral Sweden.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Two days til USA president election and there is no win win solution

So it will be exciting to see who will be a new president of USA. Maybe the world will lose the big brother if Trump wins and maybe that is not so bad. But USA will be one of the worst countries for living if Mr Tramp wins. Madam Hillary will continue to terrorize the rest of the world for the comfort and the luxury of American people. There is no win win here in any case.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Artic Lavvo experience

Exploring local mountains around Tromsø is fantastic experience. Traces of Sami heritages are everywhere. 

Drinking Chaga mushroom tea

Thursday, 13 October 2016

My New Sound Piece Created with a group of Youth "Remembrance"

 Shared  sound art reflecting on the topic of Remembrance . The sound was made in old tile factory in Terra- Art Center in Kikinda, Serbia in 2016.

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Kven project

I have been chosen as Norwegian representative in Kven project. Kven are Finnish immigrants that came to Northern Norway in the 18th and 19th century. They kept some of the original language from that time and culture. I will be working with embroidery in this project. The goal is to promote Kven culture and identity. The project is a collaboration between Varanger museum and museum in Rovaniemi.

I will be staying in one month residency in Vadsø in march 2017.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

New ways of integration

We really need more of innovative new ways of integration. is the first one to connect sharing economy, refugees and immigrants. I am very proud that I started this idea and i really hope as many will join and make the world better place.

Sharing economy has a real social and economic potential.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

The war is out of control

Everyday news about war in Syria makes me really doubting in humanity. Enough with terror from USA, Russia, ISIS, Kina, England, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Qatar, Somalia etc....

Capitalism and war should become synonyms. Twenty two years after the Bosnian war I still have pictures from the news and the fear I felt in my head. How would the new generations feel in 20 years after war in Syria I am wondering.

If there was more believe in God and not the state religion apparatus or extreme religions bullshit iwe wouldn't have Hell on Earth.

Maybe we started Apocalypse or something?